
12 Apr

LinkedIn Gave Staff Week Off for Well-Being and Volunteering

After noticing how “energized” the employees seemed following the company’s December holiday shutdown, LinkedIn decided to give its workforce a week for rest.

As Position Mobile has found out, the professional social network LinkedIn gave the employees a week to ”RestUp!”. According to CNN, last week 15,900 full-time workers of the Microsoft-own firm got a paid week off in order to recharge, take care of themselves and boost their well-being.

The best part of it, is that during the RestUp week a small group of people were keeping things running in an effort to eliminate employees’ post absence stress. (As Position Mobile has learned, this team will be able to schedule time off later.)

According to Forbes, “Two-thirds of full-time workers experience burnout on the job—and that has only been exacerbated during the pandemic, researchers say. Remote workers are putting in longer hours at home, leading to an increased sense of isolation and exhaustion. Companies like LinkedIn have an incentive to combat burnout, which results in unproductive, disengaged employees as well as higher turnover.”

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