
30 Jul

How Work-From-Home Leaves Us Vulnerable to Cyber-Attacks?

The pandemic shook the foundations of the world. In a matter of a few days, all that was normal was replaced by a new unfamiliar setup. Schools went online and offices went digital. The new situation required a large number of people to work from home, including Position Mobile.

The sudden spread of the pandemic spared no chance of training the users for this new normal. At the same time, there was no time to do test runs and set up protected online spaces.

The work-from-home model put many individuals and organizations in a vulnerable space. Without adequate protection from the malicious entities of the cyber world, remote employees were now facing a greater security risk, with data being the most vulnerable item of cyber-attacks.

The malicious entities also realized how they now had a better chance to exploit the situation. There was suddenly a lot at stake. The hackers realized this and took this as an opportunity to exploit the loopholes left by this sudden shift to work-from-home.

According to BCC, “A recent survey from the UK and US-based security firm, Tessian, found that 56% of senior IT technicians believe their employees have picked up bad cyber-security habits while working from home. Worryingly, the survey found that many employees agreed with that assessment.

Nearly two in five (39%) admitted that their cyber-security practices at home were less thorough than those practised in the office, with half admitting that this is a result of feeling less scrutinised by their IT departments now, than prior to Covid.”

“One of the main mistakes we’ve seen is moving company data to personal e-mail accounts,” says Henry Trevelyan-Thomas, Tessian’s vice-president of Customer Success.

“When you do that, it’s likely you don’t have any sort of two-factor authentication. This then makes it easier for attackers to exploit that data. If data is leaked, attackers compromise it and it can end up in the wrong hands.”

A good VPN solution can protect users’ confidentiality, personal data, and online activity via pare-fire, anti-phishing and anti-ransomware tools. VuzeVPN helps protect against such attacks.

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