
31 May

Twitter Circle Reportedly Expands to More Users

Twitter began testing Circle with a small set of users earlier this month, and it now appears that it is beginning to roll out to additional users, as Position Mobile has learned from The Verge.

Twitter Circle is similar to Instagram’s Close Friends that it allows users to send tweets to a small group of people rather than the entire Twitter community. It’s unknown how many people have Twitter’s new feature right now. Although it appears that more users are now seeing Circle appear when they begin typing a tweet, some users continue to report that they do not have access.

“We are still currently testing Twitter Circle with a group of people across iOS, Android and Web globally,” a Twitter spokesperson says. “The feature has not rolled out widely to everyone yet as we continue to gather feedback, but additional people may have received access to the feature as part of our testing.”

If you want to check if you have access to Twitter Circle, update your Twitter app or go to Twitter via a web browser. You’ll see a dropdown menu at the top of the screen that says Everyone when you start typing a tweet. You can choose Twitter Circle to confine your tweet to a certain group, or you can edit your Circle to add or delete people. Users will not be notified if you add or remove them from Twitter.

Whether or not they follow you, you can add up to 150 persons to your Circle. Users in your Circle will get a note at the bottom of Circle-only tweets that reads: “Only people in @[yourusername]’s Twitter Circle can see this tweet.”

Although your Circle members will be unable to retweet anything you post to it, they will still be able to screenshot and download your tweets.

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