
5 Jun

LinkedIn Updates Spam, Scams, and Fake Profiles

Due to advancements in its automated algorithms, LinkedIn is detecting and removing more fake accounts, and it has also eliminated a lot more misleading information in the last six months of 2021, according to its most recent transparency update.

Position Mobile has learned from Social Media Today that “LinkedIn’s Transparency Report for the second half of 2021 (July to December) provides a complete overview of actions taken on spam, misinformation, government takedown requests, and more, which provides some interesting perspective on LinkedIn’s efforts on this front.”

While LinkedIn isn’t as targeted as Facebook or YouTube on these fronts, there is still a plethora of fraudulent activity on the app, with scammers attempting to obtain access to information and deceive LinkedIn users with misleading offers, connection requests, and so on.

Below are some of the most important points from LinkedIn’s most recent transparency update.

1.LinkedIn claims that its automated defence system prevented 96 percent of all bogus accounts, with nearly 12 million registration attempts being stopped.

2. In regards to spam and fraud identification, LinkedIn’s numbers have remained relatively consistent in comparison to past reports.

3. The amount of misinformation on LinkedIn has been progressively rising over time, part of which comes down to improved detection.

4. The number of federal requests for data in the app has been consistent, with the majority of them coming from the United States.

The summary is that LinkedIn’s systems are improving, although it’s difficult to measure exactly how much. It seems that LinkedIn is doing a better job at preventing unwanted actions on the app, but that doesn’t imply that all LinkedIn spammers are being totally wiped out.

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